The Melchizedek Priesthood is one of the highest grades of priesthoods in many Christian churches, especially in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). The Melchizidek priesthood is named after Melchizidek, a biblical character who was renowned as a priest. Such individuals can perform sacraments unto their people, take care of their congregation and administer in the name of Christ. Conferring the Melchizedek Priesthood involves a solemn act which has spiritual and procedural aspects.
The purpose of the present study is to outline the procedure of conferring the Melchizedek Priesthood, giving the reasons for its necessity, qualifications for a candidate and description of activities concerning the ordination ceremony.
Understanding the Melchizedek Priesthood
A. What is the Melchizedek Priesthood?
The Melchizedek Priesthood, the higher of the two councils of the priesthood of God in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints-Aaronic Priesthood being the other one. It has the power to administer saving ordinances of the church such as the laying of hands for the gift of the Holy Spirit, church membership, pronouncing blessings, and baptism. It gained importance since during its administration, the church can be governed, meetings may be held and revelation given for the church or people under its administration.
B. Biblical Origins The priesthood is said to derive its name from Melchizedek, an individual mentioned in the Book of Genesis who held dual roles as a king and a priest. He was a blessing to Abraham, and, like Christ, he is considered as one who anticipated the coming of the Messiah, who, in Christianity, is viewed as the high priest in the line and order of the order after Melchizedek (Hebrews 7). The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believes that the Aaronic priesthood existed since the creation of Adam and was introduced back on the planet in recent times by the LDS Church through prophetic means. C. Roles and Responsibilities Holders of the Melchizedek Priesthood are tasked with various duties: Administering to the sick through blessings of healing Giving blessings of comfort and counsel Bestowing the gift of the Holy Ghost after baptism Performing temple ordinances Serving in leadership roles, such as bishops, elders, or stake presidents These responsibilities make the Melchizedek Priesthood a critical part of the Church’s organizational structure and spiritual well-being. 2. Preparing for the Melchizedek Priesthood A. Qualifications for receiving the Priesthood Each male is not every entitled to the Melchizedek Priesthood. Qualification has to be satisfied. These include: Membership in the Church: Only male members good standing within the requirement of the LDS Church are allowed to receive the priesthood
B: Spiritual Worthiness as Members of the Melchizedek Priesthood. Individuals desiring to be inducted into the Melchizedek Priesthood should show evidence of spiritual preparedness. Most of the time, it is church authorities that gauge this, verifying that the applicant tries to meet with each requirement such as observing the Word of Wisdom, the Law of Chastity, tithing and church attendance, adhering to church policies, and so forth.
Holding the Aaronic Priesthood: In order for someone to go on to be trusted with the Melchizedek Priesthood, the individual must have previously held the Aaronic Priesthood. The Aaronic Priesthood is merely a preparatory one, and includes the performance of such tasks as the administration of the sacraments and the reception of free will offerings.
B. Age Considerations
Generally, it has been the policy that males are ordained to the Melchizedek Priesthood not before they are at least 18 years of age. This, however, is not a strict limitation, as one’s age in relation to the rest of the requirements may be influenced by his or her personal growth, level of belief, and how well prepared they are.
C. Interviews and Recommendations
A potential candidate for the Melchizedek Priesthood will usually be required to submit themselves to interviews with their local church leaders such as their bishop or stake president before they can be considered for ordination. These interviews are designed to make sure that the candidate is worthy to be sustained as a holder of the priesthood and comprehends the nature of the charge. The application of the candidate is then forwarded for consideration, and upon confirmation of all that needs to be in place, they are placed in waiting for ordination.
The Ordinational Procedure
A. Non-Ordination Readiness
Once a candidate is found worthy, the actual process of ordination begins. The individual will be prepared spiritually and mentally for the event. It is essential for the candidate to offer a prayer and read the Holy Words of the Bible, with the purpose of upholding the Melchizedek Priesthood and the responsibilities it encompasses.
The installation Ceremony usually has family and friends in attendance, owing to its importance as a religious rite of a priesthood bearer.
B. Ordination by the Laying on of Hands
The holding and imparting of the Melchizedek Priesthood is specified as a holy rite which entails an ordination of hands by those who already have the priesthood. This is achieved only through the imposition of hands which has been practiced from the bible days. There is a succession of the priesthood where a lineage of authority transmits the power and responsibility by recipients.
Steps in the Ordination:
Introduction: The leader of the ordaining priesthood shall give a brief talk on the objectives of the meeting and the importance of the Melchizedek Priesthood.
Laying on of Hands: The person is invited and is seated in the middle of the hall where most, if not all the members are, kneeling or standing: they cup their hands on the head of the candidate or priest conferring his priesthood to him/her.
The Prayer: The presiding priest will recite what is referred to as a confirmation prayer, extending upon the covenant which qualifies the candidate to the sacred order of the Melchizedek priesthood. This includes mentioning the candidate by name, explaining the power under which the ordination is being conducted, and declaring ‘the priesthood and the office of elder’ or higher office if there is any.
Blessing: Usually, the priesthood leader would stretch out the hands on the head of the one who has just been ordained and will bless, giving obligations and advice about his life and about his duties in the church.
Amen: The person performing the ordination says “Amen,” being the last word concerning the sacred ordinance of introduction and recognition as holder of the priesthood.
C. Post-Ordination Responsibilities
With the ordination of the Melchizedek Priesthood, a new priest receives full recognition that he is capable of handling the functions that are called for by this order of priesthood within the Church. However, it is important to point out that the ordination is just the beginning. The newly priesthood holder should attain the ideals of a priesthood holder and do his duty sincerely.
Melchizedek Priesthood Structure
The administration of the Melchizedek Priesthood consists of various offices and each office is manned in accordance with specific duties assigned to that office. An individual who has just been endowed usually starts off as an Elder, but there are other offices a priesthood holder may later be ordained to:
Elder: The basic office within the Melchizedek Priesthood. Elders are intro in to the careers directly dealing with the people and have the authority to bless and perform ordinances as well.
High Priest: High Priests are appointed to leadership roles and sit in the higher stakers presidencies and in the office of the Bishops.
Seventy: In every church, this is a very high calling and namely concerns to the proclaiming of the doctrin and gospel of the church around the world.
Patriarch: He/she provides sacramental blessings that are supplied with patriarchs to the people of the church and provides working guidance.
Apostle: Apostles are Michael and are special witnesses of Jesus Christ, and are the highest governing body in the L.D.S. church.
And the blessing is that every office has its level of authority and the extent of service within the Church organization increases.
Lifelong Commitment to Priesthood Duties
A. Ongoing Service and Leadership
The conferral of the answer is supposed to be an enduring and lifelong endeavor and dedication on one’s part not an one universal act. It is understood that the priesthood members shall remain active in their churches and organizations and very often lead other priests or parishioners in ministry.
As a holder of the priesthood grows in faith, knowledge and service, he may be given more duties, that may lead him to attain greater offices in the Church. This service is continuous and is a sign of their dedication to the Lord and the promises that were made during the time of the ordination.
B. Spiritual Development
The Melchizedek Priesthood Worthiness Code must be observed over a period of time due to its enactment rather than the day one becomes a holder of that office. They are provided with means like prayer, reading of the Scriptures and taking part in church activities to help them in prayer. In the course of performing their responsibilities, priesthood holders experience spiritual growth and become more like Christ and assist others grow likewise.
Conferment of the Melchizedek Priesthood remains one of the more sacred and important milestones in the life of a member of the LDS Church. Not only does it give power to the individual but also opens opportunities to dedicate one’s life towards God’s work. This guide helps in all of these aspects. It explains the motives rooted within biblical scriptures and outlines the values and requirements that are essential for fulfilling all the ordination procedures and rituals. Through preparation, worthiness, and service, those that are blessed with the Melchizedek Priesthood have the honor of performing sacred responsibilities and helping others advance their spiritual progress.
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