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Online Dating How to Escalate

Online Dating How to Escalate

The emergence of online love websites has changed the way people meet and date. Yet, there is still an issue when it comes to asking something of a person met in a different way than through a screen. One of the most vital steps into success is learning the skill of how to escalate the relationship – be it focusing on the conversation to the next subject or getting deeper other than mere words. It pertains to how well you know the other person and yourself in terms of their levels of comfort.

In this article, we’ll explore the different methods of escalating a relationship in the realm of online dating, what steps should be taken, what should be avoided and how trust can be gained to bolster the relationship.

Build A Solid Structure

Before proceeding further into any kind of the relationship, it is important to know that there is a solid groundwork. Nurturing warm, friendly discussions at a beginning is very important for both you and the other person you wish to connect to. Ask them what they like, what they do for fun and what kind of interesting things they have done or see and answer the same questions as well. Do not hurry in getting to those subjects that are really personal or sensitive in nature, as most people first would have to warm up, and getting to those right away is not a good idea.

It is also important to realise that consistency helps to lay this groundwork. Regular communication will not only make the other person feel secure, but also appreciated, which is important when considering taking any relationship to the next level.

Here are some tips to warm up on the starting phase:

Treat other people the way you would like to be treated with.

Encourage them to talk more by asking questions that cannot be answered by a simple yes or no.

Do not be afraid, and show them that you are interested in knowing what they like and do not like.

Do not be too formal; lighten up the atmosphere using wit, where possible.

Pay attention to the signals

In online dating, as well as any other dating, there is a way of acceleration of the relationship and to master it properly it is paramount to read the cues and signals given by the match. This is primarily expressed in texts, filler phrases, as well as voice or video calls. These are the signals that will let you know if your match is ready to get off the hook emotionally or physically.

Some common indicators of an individual’s readiness for escalation include:

They do not wait long before responding to your messages and they are happy to interact over the text.

They too begin to elaborate on their own life.

Messages are quite free; for instance, people use different endearing languages or take up to making heart signs.

They talk about meeting you face to face or bring up the topic of seeing you again in the not so distant future.

Taking these symptoms into consideration will aid you to neither rush into anything in the relationship nor stagnate it.

Incremental Development of Escalation through Conversations

It is unreasonable to expect things to reach a boiling point in escalation all at once, the changes should be gradual starting from there is an improvement in the level of your conversations. If there has been the cooperation of the parties involved this level will be reached. That is why, after some ordinary conversations, people begin to feel comfortable enough to hold more ‘deep’ conversations with each other and this is mostly around personal experiences, feelings, and aspirations.

It is alright to want more, but only if the other participant is prepared to offer their fullest. If they want to speak, they will do it naturally. This is an important step that helps to determine how advanced the escalation of the relationship can be.

How to Improve Screen Time and Gradually Deepen the Conversation:

Make them feel safe by sharing something about yourself first.

Come out and be supportive when the person brings up something that is private to them.

Start with “I think that…” or “I have…” when trying to discuss certain issues with people.

Do not raise matters that might be too hot or too personal for people that you have recently met until you have gauged their comfort levels.

Flirting and Light Physical Escalation Harmoniously.

When it becomes apparent that there is a mutual attraction between the two parties flirting becomes an important tool in the enhancement of the relationship. This stage usually includes flirting, which acts as foreplay by indicating to the other person that she is romantically zealous about him/her, hence paving way for proper evolution. None the less, there is a thin line that encompasses fun and flirtatious activities towards being too forward, particularly in the initial regimes of the online dating experience.

It is quite common for these activities to lead to physical escalation but everyone should understand it is not wholly a game of forced intrusion into the other person’s space whether through words or actions.

Online Dating Flirting Guidelines:

Compliment them on something other than physical features, such as their humor or intelligence.

Tease them playfully but do not cross the line and make it offensive.

Start introducing words or phrases that are a bit more affectionate but wait to assess the situation to determine the next step.

If they return the flirtation, feel free to add in a few more sexual elements into your conversations as time goes.

Move to Voice and Video calls

However, if one seeks to take the step further in online dating, for instance, by escalating the relationship, it will not end at deepening the conversations or even flirting. This means that there is the intention to create an actual physical bond. Transitioning from chatting to voice or video calls is a big leap closer. The audios and visuals will enable both of them to understand each other’s characters smartly.

Propose a voice or video call when there’s already a basic level of trust and mutual comfort. The only caveat is for both of them to be looking forward to the call and not one of them feeling apprehensive.

How to make the transition to voice/video calls:

Put in a casual request for a call along the lines of ‘I would rather call and hear your voice’ or ‘Let’s see the person we have been talking about through the phone.’

Respect their time and willingness to participate. Confirm that it is okay with them.

Make the introductory call easy to handle without putting any expectations on them. Inquire about their day or chat about issues that are in the past.

To begin with, talk briefly in order not to encounter that excruciating bored silence in which no one seems to know what to say, or in order not to stretch the discourse for the sake of so doing.

Schedule a Real-Life Meeting

Among the most significant steps when it comes to developing an online relationship is the transition from online communication to an offline meeting. This step is very important because it will help establish the kink between the two of you in flesh. Hence how you time it can be tricky; proposing a meeting too early can sound too aggressive, while putting it off for too long might make the romance stagnant.

Clear but non abusive communication should be maintained at the time of suggesting that you want to meet. Stick to a course: You want to meet with them but you acknowledge that not everyone is ready.

How to Suggest a Real-Life Meeting:

Propose rather the activities you enjoy and add that maybe the two of you can do them together.

Instead of saying that direct: “lets meet,” say that “It would be fun to grab coffee sometime.”

Be a gentleman: If suggested that you meet her, make sure that the meeting is in a safe zone for her or him.

When someone is on the fence, dont try to convince them. Subtly allow them to think outloud until they approach that conclusion on their own.

Step Up To Progress Physical Intimacy Gradually

If you have met someone in real life, and there is chemistry between you, then physical intimacy peeks forth. Nevertheless, it is wise to remember that not everyone is able or willing to engage in physical fondness at the same rate as others. It is imperative that you both are ready to proceed to the next step before taking it.

Following a sequential order when taking the physical approach is imperative and the couple should always seek consent from their partners. To avoid jumping to conclusions, seek permission and make timely updates to your partner to know whether the pace is comfortable for them.

Strategies to Help Healthy Physical Escalation:

Begin by small physical contacts such as hand holding or arm linking.

Observe if their shoulders are relaxed and if they maintain an open position.

Set clear physical limits early.

Be calm, slow and steady. No need to rush this step, time will help build the intimacy.

Manage Relationship Expectations

When there is an emotional progress in the desire towards the partner in the relationship, it is best to ask what do you both expect from this relationship. Are you serious about it? Is it just casual? Such a talk at the beginning will ensure both parties understand each other and avoid such situations in future.

Escalating expectations is one of the most important steps in ensuring that the relationship is satisfactory to both people for a long duration.

How to Talk About the Expectations in a Relationship:

One is to be clear on one’s intentions and ask the other person theirs.

Do not force to establish the relationship if it is too early for the other person.

Instead of asking each other basic profile specifics, talk about common objectives and values to determine if you have the same needs.

Return to this issue again and once more when the relationship has developed enough so that the two of you do not fall out.


To move a relationship on the online platform forward, one must possess patience, some level of confidence, and the need for effective communication. It is the desire to solidify the platform, power boundaries progressively, and build up using in-depth conversations, flirting, and coming up to physical boundaries. Implementing these processes and observing your partner’s extent of willingness will bring about the effective development of a healthy relationship enough to translate from the online arena to the actual world.

Shelton Ross

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