Going to the theater to watch a film is not just ordinary, it is a unique and special experience that is bound to take you on an emotional ride. The enormous image projected on the screen, the clear and sharp sounds as well as the relative darkness surrounding a viewer work harmoniously to put one in a mood that is receptive to a story. Still, there are many who do not know that simply sitting in a specific area of the theater has quite an effect on the emotional experience. Some swear that as they stare at the screen, bearing on the right, all the emotions within them get aroused more as against the left where it is more calm on the left. The question then becomes, why is the right side, apart from the center, so effective at engaging the viewer’s emotion? To explain this, we will examine a range of factors, including psychological, neurological, and environmental factors.
The Need of Choosing Proper Movie Theater Seats
The moment you walk into a movie theater, it is understandable that the one thing on your mind is getting the best screen—usually in the middle. Still quite a number do not contemplate the repercussions of picking a seat on the left or the right hand side of the screen. It must be emphasized that such aspects as the structure of the audience and the chosen seating arrangements are vital in how you emotionally attach to the movie since all aspects of perception, including visual, auditory and emotional, differ depending on the seating layout.
We already would have foresighted possibilities that, given the situation and type of seating arrangements, your washers Perhaps is gone further by mentioning the biases in this form of discrimination. This happens because it has already been shown in research that the brains of individuals vary in information processing only depending on the information that is retrieved from either the left or right side of one’s field of vision. How smug a person is during the course of watching a melodramatic movie is affected by this very thin membrane.
Regional Assessment of the Brain and Its Left and Right Hemispheres
However, before venturing into any arguments on which side of the theater Strategize will elicit the most intense emotions among members, let us consider the working of the human brain. The human brain can be said to consist of two anatomical facets namely: the left and the right. Each half has its unique control in terms of emotions on offense, thoughts and action perpetrated.
Left Hemisphere: The logic, sequential thinking, reasoning and creativity all originate from the left side of the brain. It handles subjects which are focused more on facts, details and sequential orders making one more of an organized and linear thinker.
Right Hemisphere: The right side is expanded. Periphery responsible for making figurative language, the left side hemisphere has feelings such as empathy and positive emotions, which cannot be more clearer.
The interesting thing about this is that those hemispheres are responsible for the functions of different body parts. As for the left hemisphere, it plays a role in the control of movement of the right side of the body. Thus, when you sit on one side of the theater, you are primarily allowing the opposed hemisphere of the brain to receive information. “This has consequences on how you will emotionally relate with the film”.
Sitting at the Right Side of the Theater: Does It Help Emotionally?
As is often the case with most people, the extreme right of the theater is more often emotional. This is due to the fact that right sided viewers have to look across to the left half of the field which is the right side of the brain that is more oriented to emotional or creative aspects.
Cueing the Right Side of the Brain: High Emotion Depression: Because of the fact that the right hemisphere plays a large part in inferring emotion and creative context for the film, the audience members that were sitting on this side of the auditorium observed more emotional heightening than during previous segments. Dramatic scenes are likely to cut deeper, while you will probably engage much more with the people and plot of the film.
More the Actors Would Feel the Pain: The right half of the human brain is very good at taking in and processing feelings like empathy which helps in gaining a closer connection towards the storyline and the different characters. On the right, when such scenes of an emotional core occur, it is probable that more individuals particularly those situated on the right feel exposed to the intense emotional aspects leaving them quite susceptible to the highs and lows of emotional feelings.
Besides these functions, the right hemisphere also dominates non-verbal elements such as body language, and tone of speech. Where one chooses to sit may therefore impact on the movies in the manner that one may find themselves noticing these emotional components more and thus enhancing the overall experience.
The Emotional Consequence of Sitting on The Left Side
If on the left side of the theater, however, there are emotional differences related with this positioning. This positioning feeds more information to the right side of the visual space which is the left or the logical side of the brain.
It Comes to More the Concept of the Experience: The dominant side of the human brain regarding faculties of thinking and reasoning is the left hemisphere. Sitting on the left side of the theater could mean that you will be more focused on the story while embracing the details such as the conversations, speed, and even the very making of the motion picture. Although this may improve the way the movie is viewed, it could also decrease the feelings that were anticipated.
Critical Thinking Abilities Controlled: It might also end up that the film is being disliked more when seated on the left. Since the left half of the brain is more analytical and detail oriented, one might get more focused on ‘what about the plot holes, the inconsistencies or the narrative in general’. So this may not be a good thing, it may take you far from the heart of the film.
Decrease in Emotional Intensity: As the left hemisphere has a lower tolerance for abstraction emotions, the left side sitting audience will be less prone to strong feelings. You might still like the movie, but don’t expect to have feelings like empathy or sorrow greater than what someone on the right side might experience.
The Effect of Effective Listening
Seating is not only a factor with regard to the content received through visual aids, but also to the audio one. In order to allow the audience to get the full effect of the movie, today’s theater has advanced surround sound systems, but your experience of that sound, may be dictated by your position.
Right Side Advantage: For those who are sitting on the right side, it can be observed that their emotional brain (which belongs to the right hemisphere of the brain) tends to use sound in a more intuitive-emotional way. This means that dramatic sound effects, music related to characters and even character voices may be offering more emotional content. In terms of the intensified perception of the right hemisphere, it increases the emotional level of how all the appropriate characteristics are applied. For instance whether it’s during a dramatic moment in a scene, when a character is tender with a subtle tremor in his/her voice or even when the score swells.
Left Side Auditory Response: When considering the left side, sound may even be viewed or treated more analytically. Thus, focusing more on the clarity of dialogue or even on the precise sound effects of wind or any other object leaves behind. Obviously, everyone heard every sound still there, but in terms of feelings associated with the sound, they might not be as strong and thus, there’s a chance of decreasing the effectiveness in the emotional parts of critical scenes.
Social and Environmental Influences
Funnily enough, social factors can also determine the location of a film viewer in a theater. If it is your friends or family members who accompany you to watch the film, your choice of which seat to occupy may be determined by the group. Intruding upon the view and whether you are sitting close up to the screen rather comforts in the experience, while sitting at the back more comfortable at the back makes it more enjoyable. These factors are likely to influence how emotionally moving the film is for you even if you were sitting on the left or right side, for example, in the center section of the theater.
Moreover, there is a particular importance that theater design in itself has. Several theaters may also have better sound or sight lines in particular locations, enhancing your emotional experience or vice versa depending on where you choose to sit.
The middle ground: Is the center still the place to be?
If the left side of the brain is more rational, engaging first in analytical skills, and the right side is more active when it comes to emotional investment, would sitting in the center be the best of both worlds? Most movie watchers’ target the middle, as that is where one is able to have the most direct view of the screen along with even sound distribution.
Doubled Experience: Sitting in the center gives a more or less equal opportunity to both sides of the hemisphere, which might mean that the overall impression is likely to be a little better. You are likely to get pulled into the story, connect with the characters, and yet pay attention to how the film has been crafted. It provides one with the best of all worlds particularly to those who crave for story, and emotional engagement in the same instance.
Emotional Non-Engagement: The center, however, cannot be ‘hot’, or cause much emotional activity, but will help provide the audience with a good emotional balance view, which can be quite emotional and intense in its own way. It makes it possible to be cajoled into responding both to the reason and to emotion depicted in the movie.
The last question is, which part of the theatre stirs you up more? At least in this regard, it seems, what was viewed depends very much on how one’s brain processes information. For you, who wish to have a heavy emotional experience, the right side of the theater is definitely the place to be as it activates the right hemisphere of your brain – the emotional center. On the opposite, the left side of the slues might be more appropriate if you wish to watch the movie with a little bit more rational detachment.
In each case, everyone’s response to any emotion elicited with the help of the movie is bound to be different for several reasons—diverse people, diverse films, different moods. But, knowing how to make the most of the phone while watching a movie by appreciating the degree to which where you sit in the theater affects your enjoyment of a film helps each one of us in every effort made to watch all the movies.
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